We the members of UUCT aspire to:
  • build an inviting, caring, community, 
  • promote an open intentional search for truth and meaning, 
  • foster its members' and friends' interpersonal connections and support,
  • create opportunities for spiritual growth through inspiration, outreach and study,
  • stand against oppression, exclusion and injustice in all their forms, and,
  • embrace the call for a multiracial, multicultural, multigenerational congregation through active stewardship- for our congregation, our wider community and our fragile planet.
INVITE all into a welcoming community.
INSPIRE a free and responsible spiritual journey.
INVOLVE all in building a just and compassionate world.
My tenure as UUCT Board of Trustee President ends on June 30, 2024.  The past year, similar to previous years has been one of change.  I resist the urge to quantify or rank, in relationship to previous years the amount of change currently underway at UUCT.  

This is YEAR 70 for UUCT, and as I have, this year looked back through the historical documents- it is obvious and impressive that change and challenges occurred and plans were made and worked in response to those changes and challenges.  I see evidence of disappointments, but I primarily see evidence of goals and actions planned.  Most were driven and accomplished based on a UUCT Vision (expressed and/or written).  It appears to me, that the UUCT past provides effective guidance for the future.

We, the current members and friends of UUCT have the gift of plans, labor and monies of the members and friends who came before us.  We also have the plans and gifts of the current members and friends, and anticipate plans and gifts from future members and friends. 

No generation of plans has been the same, but the UUCT vision has been a steady guide.  It appears to me
that these important declarations have steered us to this current time.  I strongly recommend w
consciously and diligently let them guide us into the future.

With Best Regards, Bobby


  1. Bobby, Thank you for your caring and devoted service to UUCT! You gave us your best and went above and beyond what could be expected. With Best wishes, Kiki


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