Looking for a UUCT-UUCB facilitator
As you know, the partnership between the Congregations in Birmingham and Tuscaloosa is essential to our presence in this community and sustained growth. Not only do we benefit from Rev. Julie's pastoral care and wonderful sermons, we have developed linkages and friendships between us as a result of our cross-campus visits and pot-lucks over the past couple years.
We are grateful to UUCT member Lynn Snow for her leadership in making our partnership happen in the first place, AND her regular duties as the online host of a monthly Zoom meeting between members of both congregations who serve on our UUCT-UUCB Partnership Team. Because of compelling family obligations, she is not able to continue to organize and regularly participate in the monthly Partnership Team meetings.
We are looking for someone, in either congregation, to take over as the leader/facilitator of the monthly online UUCT/UUCB Partnership Team meetings. This is not a time-consuming job, and there is no additional required travel or expense involved. The facilitator would basically schedule and host the monthly team meetings. The main job of the Team is simply to plan and organize the small number of joint social events and/or cross-campus visits we have every year, and to share the latest news in each of our congregations so we can get to know each other better. This is not some kind of joint governing board.
If you or anyone you know (in either congregation) is willing to take on this small but very important job, please contact your Board President and/or Rev. Julie to volunteer. The membership and friends of both congregations will be very grateful, and you will get more out of it than you need to put in.
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