Pillar for a Better World Virtual Meeting: 6:30p.m. Wednesday, July 10, 2024 MINUTES

 N.B.: Meeting was moved to allow members to attend the Alabama Arise Listening Meeting with Stan at 6pm on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 

1. Greetings & Check-in


2. Review of Minutes (see attached file)—There were no Minutes from the June Meeting


3. Split-the-plateTuscaloosa Emergency Services (July-August)Druid City Pride for (Sept.-Oct.)


4. Deb on Green SanctuaryDeb couldn’t attend the meeting because of a clashing Finance Committee meeting. After the meeting on Sunday 7th, she will collate the information shared and complete the application to the Green Sanctuary, UUAprogram.


5. Report on Alabama Arise 2024 Listening Session with Stan Johnson July 9 at 6pm.

Shompa attended the meeting on Zoom. Stan went over the achievements from the last AL legislative session:

Tax Reform wasn’t passed, so Medicaid wasn’t expanded

Voting Rights changes weren’t achieved. The Absentee Ballot changes could be attempted again. The chance for Voting Rights Restoration passing has more chance in the future.

Criminal Justice Reform is an ongoing process.

Maternal and Child Health reforms haven’t passed; instead, matters are deteriorating.

Public Transportation improvement and funding—The proposal to form a Alabama Public Transit Trust Fund by adding a $5 fee with the License Tag Renewals died, but the votes were close. Public transit reforms are supported by 2 Republican legislators

Pay Day Loans reform—Kip Tyner has prohibited these businesses from opening in Alberta City.


All new proposals of issues for Alabama Arise to consider in 2025 must be submitted on http://www.alarise.org/get-involved/issue-proposals by August 9, 2024. Issues brought up at this meeting were

a) Solar Energy reforms. Even the Black Warrior co-ops in the blackbelt have to buy power from the Southern Company, though at a negotiated price.
b) Proper funding for ADA Mental Health helpline (988)


6. Report on Poor People’s Campaign (Shompa) : Livestream of the March on Washington June 29, 2024 https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/livestream/


7. Druid City Pride Festival: October 6, 2024. Sponsorship details https://www.druidcitypride.org/_files/ugd/147ecc_df735c996b214a7db66f65dc1f753948.pdf

They will not print a Pride Guide this time but focus time and resources in ways that provide higher visibility of your brand at the Druid City Pride Festival.” We have traditionally sponsored the Fest as FRIEND OF PRIDE- $300 ($350 after Pride Month, June 2024) ● 10x10 foot vendor space at the Pride Festival ● Listed on sponsor appreciation signage ● Listed on Pride Festival bag insert ● Logo included on sponsor appreciation signage ● Logo on DruidCityPride.org for an entire year ● Recognition on social media.


Please, e-mail files and content to events@druidcitypride.org by August 23, 2024Logos and other deliverables (e.g. social media content, URLs, etc.) received after the due date cannot be guaranteed on all items. The display quality of logos not delivered in a vector format or high resolution file cannot be guaranteed. 

Email: dcpboard@druidcitypride.org

Katie is working on a vector file of our logo.


8. ACLU https://www.aclualabama.org/—We need someone to follow the ACLU actions (Rev. Julie has been appointed to the board of ACLU). ACLU is doing important work for Voting Rights, Gender Equality and other matters and has its own action agenda. Membership: $35/


9. Report on Move to Amend (Sharon)Sharon will be stepping down from PBW.


10. Additional issues—Monty brought up an event related to the visit of Mr. John Haywood, relative of Dr. George Augustus Weaver (1872-1939) civil rights leader after whom the Weaver Bolden Library is named. The visit is scheduled for 10 am-12 noon on Friday, July 26, and he wants UUCT to participate in hosting it. The contact person from the Tuscaloosa Public Libraries is Sharon Harrison. We will announce the event in church and on Newsnet.

Follow-upShompa will join the event on the 26th and has suggested donating juices and a fruit-tray from Sam’s Club.


11. Next meeting: 6:30pm. Tuesday, August 13, 2024
12. Adjournment


Respectfully submitted by

Shompa Datta


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